After numerous failed attempts to create a new blog, I feel triumphant today. I have arrived!
Not written something different for a very long time. My mind's been too preoccupied writing news openings, features, book reviews, captions for photographs, and all that. The mind feels too exhausted to write something more creative after that. Also, sloth takes over, one of the deadliest of the 7 sins.
I haven't even touched my personal diary since eons. It just lies on my bedside table and serves as a reliable coaster. I feel bad, but I don't do anything about it. I just lie back in passivity, as I watch myself waste the time that I could've spent in writing.
I want to become a writer. But I hardly write something that people would want to read.
Probably, I shall start now. From today.
Because I want to be a writer.
and so it begins...
Hey Rags...Great work keep it comin!!! ;o)
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