Sunday, June 13, 2021

Safe hands

Open your wings and wrap them around me.
My safe place,
Where the child can cackle with wild abandon,
And the woman, love fearlessly.

Safe. From the evil eye, word and action,
That the world is abundant with.

When the time comes, and it's your turn to feel weak,
I shall stand before you, facing the foe,
Shielding you from danger,
Never letting go.

On the turbulent sea of life,
Our boat rocks and stills, and then rocks some more.
But we have each other,
I, your warrior princess,
You, my protector.

And together, we make it, till the dark curtain of the night falls on us.

Saturday, June 05, 2021


I wonder often that if I were to disappear,
One day, magically and silently,
Would they know?

After their cacophony dies down,
Would they look up, left and right,
And search the corners for me?

After finding me gone,
Would they sigh and wonder,
Reminisce and recall the sound of my voice?
My words, my eyes, my love?

And would they hope,
And keep a watchful eye out,
For my return?