Friday, June 15, 2007

Feelin' Random

Sometimes I feel so random in life. I randomly end up doing and saying things that aren't for the greater cause but just for the sake of their existence.

I meet a lotta randoms everyday, but then they're figures I wouldn't really wanna be associated with, coz they're more random than I am, in fact in a worse way.

So while randoming about the place, I sometimes randomly think about life and it's whole purpose. Then these randoms stop and interrupt me and i'm forced to make some random conversation with them. I feel sorry at their 'randomness' coz they lack too much purpose in life.

And then I introspect again, watching the world whizzing past, all participants of the rat race for money. I stop. Time freezes for me. I sigh. I smile to myself. And then I lie back again by the sea thinking to myself, "It feels good to be a Random."

1) Never say 'no' to ice cream.

2) Never get involved with a married man.

3) Never make out with a friend's boyfriend, especially one who is dangerously immoral & wild.

4) Never try to be someone you're not, unless you're onstage.

5) Never allow others to get you drunk.

6) Never trust someone your instinct fails to warm up to.

7) Never let sex dominate your relationship.

8) Never need anyone.

9) Never marry till you're absolutely ready to junp down the well.

10) Never wear a deep necked dress when you're changing the tyre.